Welcome to Our Web Page




When this web page began more than twenty years ago, it described most of the activities of our whole family. Now that most of our children have flown the coop, it is mostly about what Ann and I (Dave) have been up to. I update it most weekends. We save all the messages over the past year in an Archive along with links to what we were doing ten and twenty years ago.

You can click on the pictures above to get a bit more information about each of us.

Sunday September 8

Ann and Kimmie at the Cottage Café

Ann and Kimmie at the Cottage Café

It has been a miserable wet weekend as the remains of a tropical storm passed over us. We have stayed close to home and entertained ourselves by finishing books and watched some shows on TV. A fundraiser for the Kidney Foundation, with which our friend Erika is involved, was postponed and the Rambler ride around the Aspotogan Peninsula was cancelled. However, we have been on several other rides over the past couple of weeks: the usual Wednesday rides with the Roadents from Laurie Park to Monte Vista; a ride around the Porters Lake loop with the Ramblers, followed by a pleasant lunch at La Cuisine de Brigitte; and a ride from Beechville to Upper Tantallon with the Halifax chapter of the Railers.

A week ago Monday we also rode to Lawrencetown Beach with our friend Kimmie. This was nominally a Railers ride but only the three of us showed up, most of the rest being on a bicycling tour out of Summerside, PEI. As we rode out the Shearwater Flyer across Caldwell Road, there was a police car blocking the continuation of the trail. They let us pass, but at the Bissett Road end there was police tape across the trail that we had to pass under. On our return from Lawrencetown, we were not allowed to pass. Apparently someone had been found on the trail who claimed that he had been attacked by a bear. Over the next couple of days it was determined that there was no indication of any bear in the vicinity so it's assumed that the story was made up and any injuries sustained by the man had a different cause. Since we could not return on the Flyer, we rode through Cole Harbour, out Montague Road, and back via Waverley Road stopping in a Nine Locks Brewery to pick up a six-pack of beer on the way by. We then had coffee and a treat at the Cottage Café before heading home.

This week the Fringe Festival has been on in Halifax. Last Sunday, after coffee at Two If By Sea, Ann took the ferry over, met our friend Catherine, and went to Rethinking Good Intentions, a play by one of Ingrid's friends about her experiences volunteering with CUSO. On Friday, we met Catherine, Paul and Fred at the Resolutes Club for dinner and then went to see Benjamin's Passion, about a dancer's experiences in a ballet company in Boise, Idaho; it was as strange as it sounds, though you must expect that at the Fringe.

Ann also played Mahjong again last Friday. I drove her out to Lower Sackville, then she and Paddy drove to Marilyn's place near New Germany.